
Kühne Wicki is an interdisciplinary future thinktank, based in Zurich, Switzerland offering Futures Research, Futures Development and Futures Implementation. We make the future more tangible. Our future stuff is typically delivered in words & pictures, in the form of analysis & papers, keynotes & workshops, design & facilitation, speculative objects & spaces. While its form may vary, future stuff is always the tangible outcome of one of the following steps: futures research, futures development, futures implmentation.


Future Stuff comes in many shapes. Our work is typically delivered in words & pictures, in the form of analysis & papers, keynotes & workshops, speculative objects & spaces. While its form may vary, future stuff is always the tangible outcome of one of the following steps.

Exploring the Future

What is actually happening? Many things are happening at the same time. This makes the present seem confusing and the future uncertain. We detect weak signals, identify mega and counter-trends and analyse their relevance for you and your organisation. We also critically scrutinise familiar future narratives.

We explore the future in different forms:

  • Foresight & Trend Reports

  • Studies & Study Tours

  • Keynotes & Presentations

Developing the Future

What kind of future do we want? Anyone asking about a desirable future is negotiating people's perspectives and priorities. We support you and your organisation in expanding your vision of the future, sharpening your sense of possibility and exploring your scope for action. This paves the way for solid visions of the future.

We develop the future in various formats:

  • Scenario & Simulation Workshops

  • Speculative Design Workshops

  • Innovative Dialogue Formats

Shaping the Future

What is the plan now? The future always remains somewhat unplannable. That's why planning means, above all, prioritising. We help you and your organisation get started, try out new things, and launch pilot projects without falling into activism. In this way, you remain capable of acting in a complex world.

We shape the future with targeted impulses:

  • Networking with Pioneers

  • Design of Future Processes

  • Tailor-made Starter Kits

Futures Literacy. Competent in the future is someone who recognises and questions trends. Allow and deepen different perspectives. Strengthen your tolerance for ambivalence and jointly develop a culture of anticipation. We support you in this creative process.




Get in touch

What kind of future stuff are you interested in? Our projects are developed on a bespoke basis and address specific client challenges and needs.

We are happy to elaborate further.

kühne wicki GmbH
Weststrasse 62
8003 Zürich

+41 44 524 12 99

Martina Kühne and Senem Wicki