Visionize a City
Conception and facilitation of the Stadtidee Rapperswil-Jona, a vision for the city's future based on its history

Rapperswil-Jona is an attractive city on the shores of Lake Zurich, drawing locals, commuters and tourists alike. But how should the city look in ten or twenty years? Starting point was to work with the city council and forward thinkers from administration and business, culture and society, sports, and associations to develop a Stadtidee. This idea would serve as a vision and a compass for future challenges.
The implementation of the Stadtidee project was divided into three phases: understanding the present, developing a vision, and launching the future. We had the privilege of guiding the process through all three phases. Based on local characteristics and current trends, we developed a vision for Rapperswil-Jona 2040 through participatory time-travel workshops. In the coming months and years, this vision will be realized through initial projects.

The Stadtidee process is initially manifested in the form of a publication. The book Stadtidee Rapperswil-Jona serves as the foundation for implementing the city's vision through concrete initial projects in the fields of politics, administration, economy, society, culture, and sports.