Sustainable University Day 2024
Process design and moderation of the future dialogue to strengthen the cooperation of Zurich's universities in the context of sustainability

In 2024, after years of structural and project funding for more sustainability in the system, Swiss universities have reached a point where they want to work more closely together. Particularly in the current turbulent, divisive times, physical engagement with desirable futures and with each other is essential for this rapprochement. The Sustainable University Day 2024 should therefore create a framework that not only ensures the exchange of knowledge, but also enables further thinking.

The Zurich universities ZHdK, ZHAW, ETH, HfH, PHZH, UZH invited to a joint future dialogue on sustainability. The mandate to accompany the SUD 2024 included three elements: the curation of a content arc over the entire day, the agreements with contributors, as well as the process moderation through the day. Particular attention was paid to the choice of methods, which should be conducive to opening up the individual, but also the collective space for reflection and possibilities.

Around 300 people gathered at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich on the 12th of November. The foundations were set for a future alliance between the Zurich universities. The goal of ‘deeply anchoring the topic of sustainability in teaching’, as ETH Rector Günther Dissertori emphasised, is a big step closer.