Find your Future City
Development of a playful web app that helps users intuitively find their future dream city based on a selection of questions about the future

How do I figure out where I would like to live in the future? We have asked ourselves this question over and over again as part of numerous future projects in different cities. This gave rise to the idea of developing our own tool to help people who are looking to relocate quickly to find their personal dream city.
Based on in-depth research into city visions and urban future scenarios, we first developed a questionnaire that - depending on the answer - leads to five utopian city types. In a second step, this was converted into a web app together with the interaction designers from Prolog.

A playful web app was created from the questionnaire in collaboration with Prolog and the illustrator Pia Hönger. With just a few clicks, anyone can quickly find their favourite city. The current most popular dream city? Rio De Humaneiro.